Family Of The Accused/Convicted, Inc.


How Can You Help?

There are many ways you can help support prisoners and their families . . .


Donate Your Time

We are always looking for people who can give a little time to help. Whether it's a dedicated day every week that you can transport those in need, or just a few hours doing research on the internet to find places that offer free legal aid. Anything  you can do is valuable to us. Contact us with any ideas you may have.

Donate Clothing and Food

Many times when a parent goes to prison their spouse and children are left with one less income, or no income at all. Food and clothing donations will help to provide for their needs. You can drop off donations at 531 N. 42nd St. - Monday through Saturday, from 9am to 5pm - Please Call Ahead at 502-774-1601 to make an appointment.

Donate Money

Every dollar counts. All funds donated go directly to supporting the families of the accused/convicted. Transportation costs, help with bills, clothes for children . . . your donations will go a long way towards helping those in need.




***We are also looking for a van to help transport families to and from prison visitations, if you   

      can help please contact us.***


***We need a grant writer who can write grants for a non-profit organization.***


***We want to create a transitional home for people being released from prison - any ideas are 

      welcome, and if you have a location please let us know.***

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